Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Cats' Poo-poo

Dear Aunt Agony,

Does anyone hate the smell of cats' poo as much as I do?

I can't stand it! They poo at any part of the ground that has sand or earth!

They poo at the little portion of ground in front of my house. They poo at both sides of my garden patch near my porch.

In the process, they leave their footprints all over my newly built and newly painted garden wall as well.

NOW I know exactly what my mom felt when she got their poo all over her garden back home. NOW I understand why she always scare and chase them away when she finds them sleeping underneath the car in our house porch.

Aaargh! The stench that reached my nose last night the moment I opened my car door, after I parked into my porch, it's horrendous! The evening rain that soaked the poo further made the stench worse.

I plan to either plant some grass or place large, rounded pebbles in my garden patch...but I'm afraid the poo will look even more disgustingly obvious if I did that.

So, do you have any brilliant idea how I can keep the cats from poo-ing in my garden? Please help.

Yours desperately,


Mia said...

-- Scatter pinecones in the areas the cats like to visit, especially under bushes.
-- Buy a commercial cat repellent and scatter or spray it in the places where the cats are doing their business. I am not sure if you can get it from the shops.
-- Sprinkle heavy coats of pepper in those areas
-- Try ground up Orange peels
-- Or best.. you can try getting some dog urine and spray on your garden area.. scent of predator is a huge turn off but the smell... ke ke

Phoenix Heart said...

what the...? I typed a comment before lunch, now it's gone! *tcherk* :)

pinecones, where can I get some?

"Cat repellent"? got such thing meh? where, where to get?

Pepper, hmmm...no lar, my neighbour may curse me after sneezing too much!

Orange peels, this work? I'll try if u can't tell me where to get the pinecones or cat repellent.

Dog urine, u must be kidding! what's the diff with cat's poo? They both stink!

Kill them? I'll have to try 10 times before I'll succeed...so leceh! dowan lar.

Spot said...

Had this problem in hartamas too. Crush lots of garlic, put into hot water and let menyerap for a while. Then put into spray bottle and spray all over your garden and porch.

After the inital blast the garlic smell won't be detectable to human nose (may except me, cos I'm a smell monster) but will still be very busuk for cats.

Phoenix Heart said...

Really? Garlic spray? Tried & tested?

Ok, will try that soon...once I get a spray bottle.

Thanks, spot!

Debz said...

my comments are missing too... perhaps withdrawn/ blocked by some animal rights group. sigh...

i still say grow a cactus garden foong sim... i withdraw my remark bout the BB Gun

Debz said...

oh, you can get the repellant from any pet shop... they used it to either keep the cat/dog/ whatever pet from peeing and poo-pooing at certain areas.... good for pet's toilet training too.

Spot said...

Yes, tried and tested. I even tabur fresh minced garlic before cos lazy to make the water.

I forgot to say, make sure you cover the places where oredi kena. Cats like to come back to the little toilets they create.

Also, keep a spray bottle handy in your porch. The moment you see a cat poking around, spray it so that it will eventually associate your garden/porch with the nasty woman who keeps spraying it and therefore keep away.

Mia said...

This is so farnee.. I love cats but can imagine your agony. Kill them... no lah... they are too cute and it's not that you can train cats really well.

Sorry.. pine cones only found in Australia. Malaysia punya one not strong scent.

Basically, it's getting the smell of something they don't like... and cats don't like many things... ranging from Garlic, to onions, to pepper, orange, dogs, you get my drift.

Alternatively, you can have a scarecrow... also get rid of potential other types of people.