Tuesday, April 04, 2006


As I write this post, my blood is boiling and fumes are eminating from my ears!

My current boss just pissed me off, yet again. He informed me that he cannot grant me that 1 month's notice period, and instead is only granting me 6 weeks. Probably I can't set off my leave either!

I told him I need to go off earlier, so that I have enough time to sort out my own things before I relocate. He said "that's just too bad, not my problem"! Well, then I'll pay the company off for my notice in lieu, and he said that THAT wasn't an option either.

It's not? Says who? It's clearly stated in my letter of employment that I will have to serve 3 months' notice period, or repay the company the salary in-lieu of notice. So, I can pay off the whole 3 months' notice period and give 24-hour notice if I so wish!

What crap! I didn't say the above in so many words, but my displeasure was splashed all across my pretty (or not-so-pretty, then) face.

This company has caused me lots of grievances throughout my 2-year tenure. It is a blessing that I am finally leaving this crappy hole for a possible bright future (I hope), and yet, my boss cannot even be professional enough to take my departure in good faith.

It could be my imagination, but it seems as though he is displeased with me for being able to find a better job elsewhere, instead of being happy for me. It's like, he is angry with himself for not being able to find another job after he tendered his resignation last July '05, but he is taking it out on me.

My instincts tell me that he is doing this to me, because he is just being sour grapes to the whole circumstance...at my expense.

After fuming and ranting about all this, I have still not blown my top (publicly in office) yet. I still wish I will be able to leave in good faith, to leave quietly and on mutual terms.

It would be horrible to leave otherwise. In my entire career path, I had always left my jobs on good terms with my employers, and I hope this will not be any different.


Spot said...

It's a HR matter now. Your resignation notice is technically to the company, not your immediate boss.

I hope you asked for the waiver in WRITING. Because if not, technically you still have to pay the company 2 months in lieu.

If you stick to 1 month notice and pay off the other 2 months, there's nothing this man can do about it. BUT, that just means that you would have pissed him off for defying him, in which case, you can kiss goodwill bye bye.

BUT. He's leaving the company anyway. So if you play your cards right with HR and the Managing Director, you can still leave on good terms, vis-a-vis the company.

Phoenix Heart said...

Spot, u don't understand how my company works. Policies are there for show only. HR manager has no say in it, my boss makes the call in a lot of the things here, even the CFO listens to him!

Unless I go to RM, the MD my boss hates, who unfortunately, does not know I exist...so he may not help me out either, & I end up worse.

He said he DONT WANT me to pay, not an option...where got such thing one, THAT is always an option for me, but like u say, then can kiss goodwill bye-bye lor.


Spot said...

It really doesn't matter how a company is run internally, the law doesn't give a rat's ass.

The employment contract is btwn X Sdn Bhd and you, not Almighty-Boss-Who-Is-NOT-The-MD.

Legally, you serve written notice, asking for a waiver. If you've been verbally told that there is no waiver, then you WRITE a second letter recording the conversation and stating that you regret to have to pay RMXXX as compensation in lieu of notice AND that your last date remains as Y.

If he still verbally tells you that there is no option to pay in lieu, you WRITE a 3rd letter to the company recording such statement and point out that the terms of the contract state otherwise. You attach your cheque for the amount in lieu.

The letter should all be addressed to Company Sdn Bhd, copied to the Almighty, HR and the MD.

Whether or not the MD knows you exist is immaterial. In terms of professionalism, all resignations should be tendered to the MD in the first instance anyway.

Again I say. When it comes to legal rights, it really doesnt matter who don't kawan who and who has got whose balls in their fist.

I realise that you are upset. But that will not get anything done. This is my advice from a legal perspective.

Biow said...

wow.. spot, u'r amazing.. where do u get the boundless confidence?

i will be like FS.. mad!

((hugs)), FS.

Spot said...

See, why I'm so gungho telling you what to do, is because you don't have much time left if you wanna make it over there and start on time in early May.

Means you don't have time to wait and see what happens or whatever. Ie, no time to waste getting mad.

Biow - It's not so much that I ahve boundless confidence. I just don't have the patience for ppl who try to play power games over my life. :)

Phoenix Heart said...

Thanks Spot, I should have tot of calling u to ask for advice.

Anyway, will do as u suggest. If they dowan to give me a letter, then I will give THEM a letter on the last day & salary in lieu.

Anyway, have spoken to my HR Manager on this, and she said she will speak to my boss...see whether she can help to reason it out with him or not.

If not, then I will exercise my legal rights lor. Hopefully I don't have to go down that road...

Karen said...

hi there, commenting again, after long silence :)

kesian-nya you, must be so upset. hope you're feeling more calm now after a night's (?) sleep.

anyway, am sure you know what to do already, given spot's bersemangat advice, so this is just to reassure you. whether or not HR is successful in persuading your boss, you DO have the right to leave early, with payment in lieu. he CANNOT refuse. assuming you have the resignation and request in writing, just follow up with the necessary letters (and payment). written and handled professionally, addressed to the COMPANY (who is, after all, the employer) and attn to MD (never mind that he doesnt know who you are. that's the proper thing to do) and handed to HR, there is nothing they can do to refuse. a cc to your boss would be for courtesy, not a requirement. when the COMPANY sees that YOU are behaving professionally, it doesn't matter that HE is behaving like a baboon, even if it's a power-wielding one.

ALL bosses like to say that they "refuse to accept" your resignation. that's bullshit. there is no need for acceptance. similarly, here, there is no need for him to 'accept' the compensation, or to 'agree' to release you early. it would be nice, yes (both in terms of saving miri sdn bhd's money and in terms of goodwill) but not necessary.

don't worry - spend whatever time you have left at work PLANNING your move ;)

Phoenix Heart said...

Thanks Snowdrop, for the reassurance.

Yes, will do that if I have to.

In the meantime, I will continue to try the "friendly, courteous" way until the 1 mth time is up lor.

At least, everyone else in the Company will know that I tried my best to keep that goodwill, but it was not reciprocated.

Mia said...

wah.. so drama...Bosses.. misunderstanding. I got that kind of crap from my ex-GM who actually put the blame of some situation on me when she was talking to my principal. My principal came over to tell me that she was really terrible cos she was the one who insisted,.. INSISTED to doing something that I felt was the wrong approach but I had to do it anyway cos she insisted and then proceeded to tell my most important client that it was my fault. What a loser! I totally lost faith in her and thereafter began to seriously consider leaving. What a lousy boss!

Anyway, glad that your dilemma is over.. phew!