Thursday, February 23, 2006

Anxiously waiting

Day by day, my heart changes from feeling that dilemma to take that job offer, to being more sure that it will be the right move for me in the long term, paycut or not.

So deep down inside of me, I pray that the job scope really fits me, because if I make that move, my job is all I will have for the first few months there, until I make new friends (which I hope will happen sooner than later).

Waiting can seem soooo long when you are anxious...and if not-so-good news greets you at the end of that wait, then the blow can be harder than expected.

I cannot do much except leaving it to my karma to see whether the job is meant to be mine at the end of this road I am walking...but my gosh, I wish I could do something really good to boost my karma points at this moment!


So here I am still anxiously waiting for the outcome my karma will bring...*Sadhu*

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