Monday, February 27, 2006

Once Broken Considered...Sold?

Surely this phrase is a common one seen in most departmental stores where they sell breakable products...
But in the case of my house renovation, well, it's more like once broken considered too bad!
The contractor's workers keep breaking things in my house during the course of the renovation for the last 3 weeks. Mind you, this is an empty house we are talking about! I shudder to think what damage they can cause if it's a lived-in house complete with all the furniture and fittings.
First they broke the wall fan in the wet kitchen, then they broke the water tank in the roof when cleaning it, then they tore the heat resistant foil in the roof, and just yesterday when I went to see the renovation progress, I saw that they broke 2 of the pendant light bulbs in my living hall! A friend told me to be prepared for kitchen tiles to be broken as well when the kitchen cabinets are being fixed. *eeek!*
Well, someone pointed out to me not too long ago, that I will come to a stage where another item broken by the contractor will be just that, another broken item. The upset feeling about the carelessness of the workers will not arise anymore...and I am already at that stage right now, immune to it, but made myself very clear to my main contractor, that all cost to fix or replace broken items will be deducted from his final bill...he wasn't happy, but did he have a choice? No, because it's HIS workers who broke those stuff, and I surely wasn't going to be the one paying for their carelessness.
Progress-wise, they could be faster, but if they were, perhaps they would be breaking even more things in the process! So, I will be patient... I really hope they don't break anything more. It's an empty house, for goodness sake...


Spot said...

Were you intending to use those lights? If not, then less heartache lor.

The guys whom my brother got to fix an exhaust fan in the BATHROOM WINDOW FRAME at my other condo fixed the fan in the ceiling instead. Sucking all the moisture INTO my ceiling cavity.

You can imagine the explosive shelling I gave my brother. :)

Phoenix Heart said...

No, wasnt intending to use those lights for long, but was hoping i could postpone it a little longer since those kinda lights cost a bomb!

Aiyo, contractors are all a pain in the a**, arent they?