Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Dilemma

Well, the call finally came yesterday evening. Whoever crossed whatever you had for me, thanks so much, it must have worked :)
Ok, so they upped the offer a little, but I am still hesitant...I know, I know, I should be thinking "short term pains, long term gains", right?
One half of me is so eager to grab this opportunity, to experience the global exposure I can so surely get.
The other half of me is hesitant just thinking of the paycut that will drill a hole in my savings. You see, I can still live without that portion of money in the paycut, but that will affect my savings to a certain extent. Still, the point is, I could live without it (as friend put it clearly for me last night). But I worked so darn hard last year to get my promotion to draw the salary I am drawing today....
My mother wasn't the least bit excited to hear about the paycut, of course. She's just thinking in the short term, she doesn't go through what I have to go through at work here every single day...darn SAP, yucky-yucks! Well, it's my future, so it's my decision...she's just probably trying to make me see the dollar and cents (sense) point, so that I don't make the wrong decision and regret later. No regrets, whatever my decision, I try never to regret but instead, will try to see the good it brought me....hard but do-able.
I guess I am kind of tilting to the idea of taking up the offer even with the paycut, as the job offers unlimited possibilities to me...unless the job description doesn't match what I am looking to do. Yup, haven't clarified on the job function yet, so that should be the determining objective one.
I'm still trying to reduce the portion of paycut. So anyone reading this, please cross again everything crossable, that it will work out for me in the end both job function-wise and pay-wise.
Hmm, my ex-boss keep telling me (twice already), that my potential boss is "quite a character, very different" from him...Gosh, I wonder what he means...which brings me to also request that I meet my potential boss, just to see how our "chemistry" works. I need to have a boss I can work with and respect, whom I can get along well with in all aspects. I've had bad bosses before when I was in PwC (100% horrible), and my current boss? Well, he's got his moods, many times totally unreasonable & pushy (70%), other times he's nice (30%)...
Good bosses I had when I was in Atracc and AmMerchant Bank...I respected them, and they in return, respected me and had confidence in me...but that's another story.

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