Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Cough, cough, cough

Am having this terrible, terrible cough for a couple of days now, since I got over the flu bug last weekend.

Been coughing my lungs out the whole of Monday (all thru the night) and the whole of yesterday (till I had a splitting headache by the end of the day.) My boss was also coughing away with me in the meetings we attended, which drew lots of disapproving looks from the others...well, we were just being generous by passing on the virus into the air of that confined meeting room.

Last night, I coughed so hard that I pee-ed in my underwear! Gosh, NOW i know what it feels like to be an old woman who doesn't have control of her bladder very well.

Today, still coughing my lungs out but this morning, I bought 2 packets of lozenges mints. Helps a bit when the mint is in my mouth, with its cooling properties dripping down my sore, irritated throat.

Hrummph, I hate to get a cough or headache. It'll take me almost forever to recover from it.

Cough, cough go away,
Don't come back another day,
Tired Phoenix,
Wants no pee in pants and headache to go away.



Biow said...

aiyo.. tell me abt coughing man!! i'm going thru 3rd round since x'mas last year.. dunno why, cough, recover then shortly after re-start coughing..

Phoenix Heart said...

ya man, the dry hollow type of cough with the phlegm stuck somewhere in the throat, right?

Think the culprit cud be the horrid hot weather? I think so lar..

Biow said...

oh yes.. the kahak! damn!

Spot said...

Strepsil & dequadin not good enough.

Go to any pharmacy, to the prescription counter and ask for Tussils lozenges.