Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Perfect Man

Is there such a thing, anyway?

Well, was having a discussion about the men in my life...or rather the men who WERE in my life, with a friend a couple of days ago. Don't have 1 right now though...

If my fate DOES bring me over to Miri (blood pressure and all), then let's see if I can rummage through that virgin jungle of East Malaysia and find myself a useful male...erm, a charming man, I mean :)

Anyhow, here are some qualities I imagined my perfect man to own:-

1. He's smart - as in "intelligent" kind of smart. Unlike some dungus I've met...dungus because they "think" they are smart, and "act" like they are smart, but say and do the dumbest thing.

2. He's funny - as in "hilarious" with the wittiest kind of personality. Well, some guys try to be witty, but end up being down right rude instead!

3. He's handsome - not with model-like look, or Brad Pitt kind of handsome, but more of that friendly-face and pleasant-smile kind of handsome....yes, must have a nice, warm smile...I find that truly handsome.

4. He's confident - carries himself well, with confident strides when he walks...yet not arrogant.

5. He's kind - always thinking about helping people, and actually acting upon it, not just "thinking" about it.

6. He's considerate - about other people's feelings, and putting his loved ones feelings before his own.

7. He's succesful - not like "tycoon" successful (that's rich!), but as long as he's ambitious and earns a decent living enough not to be a parasite to me.

8. He's warm & loving - enough to make me feel like I am an "important" part of his life, not just "another" part of his life.

9. He's open - he shares with me all his fears and doubts, his love, his happiness and his secrets (you know, like the saying goes "in sickness & in health, in richess and in poorest")...ok lar, those really dark secrets which is better if I DON'T know, I'd rather not know then.

10. He's trusting - I can trust him as much as he can trust me.

Gosh, what a long list! Pretty high standards to meet, eh?
No wonder I'm still single!
No wonder all my past relationships didnt work (not that I had many, just 2 real ones. The other "just dating" ones don't count).

Well, the first one fit 90% of the above list, but he got stolen away from me by his ex-girlfriend, figured!...oh well, maybe he didnt have #1 after all, haha!

Then the second one, probably didn't have #1 either, and quite a few others actually, come to think of it.

Shucks! Let's hope the virgin jungle in E. Malaysia calls out to me strongly enough...to calm my nerves this Thurs morning.

Orh-eee-orh, tarzan boh cheng kor!


Spot said...

You'll find that pretty much everybody has more or less the same list. Perfection mah, everybody wants.

I have something to say about checklists. But typically longwinded...so here, read for yourself. :)


Phoenix Heart said...

yea, well, that's why the subject title is The "Perfect" Man.

In reality? Nobody's perfect, not even you or I.

But we are all allowed to dream, right?

P/S: nice write-up, totally agree :)

Spot said...

kakaka...i just realised something.

The call you're waiting for from the jungles of Miri is from a kor-less Tarzan???

My. You certainly will be having fun there, if so. :D

Phoenix Heart said...

Yup, indeed a kor-less one i'm looking for, hehe ;P

Let's see whether i GET to go there or not lor...

Mia said...

Buah ha ha... a kor less tarzan.. hmmmm so interesting. I'll bet you will swoon if you meet him.. hopefully his verbal ability is as impressive as his torso.

Me Tarzan, you Phoenix (how can bird and human collide?) *grin* imagination getting wild

Phoenix Heart said...

Hmmm, bird & human collide? Not a pleasant sight that...